Answer Questions, Climb Ladders

Our brand new game, Questions and Ladders, is being played for the first time during Season 4 Episode 2!

“New Season, New Games”, and what a game to start with. Questions and Ladders (can you guess how long it didn’t take took to come up with that name?) is a game of both skill and luck. Here’s everything you need to know

The Core Gameplay Mechanics

The Dice

The key to finishing, but also the cause of chaos. Your turn, your dice. Will luck be on your side when it rolls?

End Goal

Reach the goal and earn maximum points. Getting the goal could secure your place in the final round!

Trivia Squares

A shortcut to the top, but only with correct answers. Answer correctly and climb the ladder, getting closer to victory!

Red Squares

The Snakes of Questions and Ladders. Landing on a red square will send you back to the beginning…

Blue Squares

A player’s best friend! Landing on a blue square will double your movement, getting you closer to the goal!

Don’t Push Your Luck Though!

Luck doesn’t last forever. Land on red, and it’s back to the beginning! Landing on blue will double your roll (seems there’s more good than bad luck here!).

Scores are based on contestants’ positions on the board at the end of the game. The end of the game is triggered by the first contestant to reach the end of the board.

Season 4 Episode 2

On June 22nd 2024, The Quiz LIVE continues for Season 4 Episode 2.

Be On The Show

Applications for Season 4 Episode 2 are currently open and close on June 8th 2024. Do you think you have what it takes to be our next winner? And more importantly, are you ready to test your Minecraft knowledge?